Individual Background Check

A background check is a search that reveals information about an individual’s history and behavior. It can include past employment verification, identity verification, education verification, criminal records and credit checks. Background checks are legal, but employers must comply with federal laws and regulations while conducting them.


Employers should get consent from applicants before running a background check. They should also explain what the results will show.

Employment background checks

A pre-employment background check is a tool used to help an employer make informed hiring decisions. It typically includes a criminal history check (including felony and misdemeanor convictions) and an identity check. Some employers also conduct credit checks and professional license verifications. These services can uncover important information about candidates’ pasts, including their level of financial responsibility and past addresses. These checks do not show credit scores, but they will detail all debts and collections, as well as past employment and financial information.

A criminal record check will report felony and misdemeanor convictions, as well as any current pending cases. It will also disclose dismissed charges within seven years, unless the candidate’s background check provider is prohibited from reporting such information. It will also report any civil judgments and liens, as well as bankruptcy.

An employer’s ability to use an applicant’s background check results to make a hiring decision will depend on federal, state, and local laws and company policies. For example, some states have “ban the box” laws that prohibit employers from asking about criminal records on job applications until after a first interview or a conditional offer of employment has been made. Additionally, EEOC regulations protect applicants from discrimination based on race, national origin, sex, religion, or age.

Education verification

Education verification is one of the most important aspects of a background check. It helps employers ensure that the candidates they hire actually have the qualifications for the job, and aren’t just padding their resumes with false degrees. It can also help companies avoid hiring employees who will later embezzle funds or commit other crimes.

To verify education, a background check company contacts the applicant’s school and asks for official transcripts of courses taken and degrees earned. This is the most accurate way to determine whether or not a candidate has a valid degree. However, it can be time-consuming and expensive. In addition, some colleges and universities do not share their records with third parties. To speed up the process, some companies use third-party education verification services.

While this service is expensive, it is much faster and more accurate than contacting each school individually. It can also be more cost-effective than hiring a full-time employee to conduct education verification. However, it is important to note that this service does not confirm GPAs, which can be misleading for applicants.

In addition to conducting education verification, it’s important for employers to review any professional licenses an applicant holds. These checks can help identify any violations of the EEOC’s anti-discrimination laws. They can also reveal information about the type of work a person is licensed to do, such as nursing, cosmetology, and accounting.

Criminal background checks

Criminal background checks reveal detailed information about a person’s county, state, and federal criminal history. The check may also include pending charges and arrests. However, employers are advised not to rely on these results when making hiring decisions. According to a survey, just one bad hire costs a company $50,000. In addition to the criminal records search, a comprehensive background check may also contain other verifications such as education, professional licensing, and credit checks.

Employers should be aware that some states have laws in place that limit the scope of a criminal records check. For example, New York state law restricts the use of criminal records from other jurisdictions unless they’re specifically required by a court order. Additionally, an employer cannot make a hiring decision based on the findings of a criminal record search if that report contains a conviction of a misdemeanor or a felony.

Performing a criminal background check before hiring can save companies money and create a safe workplace environment. It can also reduce the risk of negligent hiring claims, which cost businesses more than $55 million per year. A criminal record check can help you prevent theft and embezzlement, and detect physical or sexual violence in the workplace. Moreover, it can also help you avoid lawsuits and fines caused by employee accidents. However, it’s important to remember that the process is regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and must comply with local and federal regulations.

Credit checks

Employers need to know their employee’s financial responsibility. This is especially important if the position involves handling large sums of money or personal information. This is why a credit check is usually part of an employment background check. Credit checks are done by checking an applicant’s consumer reports to look for financial history like bank accounts, mortgages and credit card debt.

These checks can reveal a lot of information. They include information about the applicant’s open lines of credit, outstanding balances and past due amounts. They also provide details about any bankruptcy filings and collection accounts. However, employers don’t see an individual’s actual credit score when they run a report.

In order to do a credit check, the employer must have consent from the candidate. This is typically provided in the form of a disclosure, consent and authorization document. The process can be completed online, over the phone or by mail. The employer can then use the credit report to make a hiring decision.

A typical background check includes a criminal record search that looks for misdemeanor and felony convictions in the past 7 years. It also searches motor vehicle records, education verification and employment verification. It can also include county and federal civil searches, which look for reported civil court activity, such as lawsuits. This is a great way to find out about a person’s past and see how they might fit into your company culture.