A Home Water Purifier Can Improve the Quality of Your Drinking and Bathing Water

If you have hard water that clogs pipes and makes soap lather poorly, a home water filter can improve the quality of your drinking and bathing water. Choose from a wide range of models, including options that reduce harmful well bacteria and microbial cysts, and those that remove dangerous PFAS chemicals.


Better Taste

Water goes through a long journey before it reaches your faucet. It starts off in lakes, rivers and the ground, where it picks up contaminants that can make it hard, smell bad or taste unpleasant. Even if your home has good natural water sources, the pressure, type of pipes and other factors can affect what’s in your tap water.

A home water filtration system provides clean, healthy drinking water for the entire household. This can also help you save money by eliminating the need to buy bottled water. Plus, you’ll be reducing plastic waste. Plastic water bottles are not only bad for the environment, but they also contain harmful chemicals that can seep into your water.

The most popular water filtration systems use a combination of methods, such as reverse osmosis or distillation. Reverse osmosis filters use a semi-permeable membrane to separate contaminants from clean water. Distillation, on the other hand, boils water to create steam, which collects the clean water while the contaminant particles are left behind.

Home water filtration systems not only provide cleaner drinking water but they can also improve the condition of your home appliances and clothing. For example, filtered water can reduce the build-up of soap scum and minerals in your pipes, so dishes stay clean and shiny, and laundry detergent is more effective.

Reduced Odor

From giving the dog a bath to washing dishes and preparing food, a water filter can make everyday tasks a little easier. Using a filter to remove contaminants like rust, copper, mercury and lead can improve the taste of your drinking water and help protect you and your family from harmful chemicals.

A water filtration system is more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than buying bottled drinks, which create large amounts of plastic waste. Filtering your water can also extend the life of your plumbing pipes, hot-water heater and other appliances by removing minerals that cause buildup.

There are a variety of different types of water filters, from whole-house systems to simple faucet attachments. To find the best option for your home, learn about different contaminant reduction methods and what contaminants are most important to you. You can also use NSF’s contaminant reduction claims guide to locate products that are certified to reduce specific contaminants.

A reverse osmosis water filter uses a semi-permeable membrane to separate clean and contaminated water so that only the clean water passes through. This type of filter can remove as much as 99% of the contaminants in your water. Another good choice is a faucet-mount filter that uses carbon and ion exchange to reduce chemicals through a process called adsorption. The Big Berkey Filter, for example, can reduce over 200 contaminants, including heavy metals and bacteria.

Reduced Chlorine

Chlorine is a great disinfectant for killing harmful bacteria in well water and municipal drinking supply systems. However, chlorine, when dissolved in water, can leave an unpleasant taste and smell. It can also dry out skin and hair, deteriorate rubber seals in your water-using appliances, and fade laundry.

A Kinetico Whole House Chlorine Filter reduces unwanted chlorine in your water throughout your home so you can enjoy clean, healthy and tastier water. Unlike point of use filters that only filter the water you drink, a whole house filtration system installs at your home’s main water line so it can reduce contaminants in every room and every source in your house.

Many water purification methods, like reverse osmosis and distillation, separate the clean from the dirty water by creating a semi-permeable membrane that only allows the cleaner water to pass through while leaving the contaminant particles behind. However, these systems still require electricity and are impractical for a household that uses water for multiple purposes, from cooking to cleaning. Activated carbon filters, on the other hand, are an easy and inexpensive option to reduce chlorine. These filters work by adsorbing chlorine molecules and binding them so they cannot escape the water. They are effective for reducing the level of chlorine in drinking water, but do not remove minerals or dissolved organic matter.

Better Health

Whether it comes from municipal sources or wells, contaminated water is everywhere. Even pristine lakes and rivers can be polluted by sewage, industrial pollution, acid rain and runoff from farms and towns nearby. While the EPA regulates some contaminants, other pollutants are unregulated. Water filtration is also a smart choice when traveling in remote backcountry zones, where poor sanitation and hygiene can lead to waterborne illnesses such as Hepatitis A or rotavirus. Many filters and purifiers include a filter element with microscopic pores that catch bacteria and protozoa and leave your water essentially pure. Some products offer additional protection by adding a purifying agent such as chemical tablets or UV light to kill viruses, which are too small for the pores in most filter elements to capture.

Besides drinking, clean water makes bathing and showering healthier for your family. Filtered water is less likely to irritate your skin, which can help reduce dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis symptoms. It’s also easier on your pipes, preventing soap scum buildup and clogged drains, while it’s better for laundry, too, leaving your clothes brighter and smoother.

Whole-house water purifiers like the Aquasana OptimH2O use multiple stages (including carbon, ion exchange and sub-micron filtration) to remove PFOA/PFOS, chlorine, cysts, lead and much more from your entire home’s water supply. There are even single-faucet filters for drinking, showering and other household uses.