The Importance of Skin Care

Skin is an active organ, acting as tough but flexible armor that keeps harmful bacteria, chemicals and strong rays of light away from more sensitive inner tissues. It also relays important information about the environment by sensing pain, textures and temperatures.


Skin is best nourished by eating an antioxidant-rich diet and drinking plenty of water. Avoid over-washing it, as this strips natural oils, and limit showers to lukewarm water.

Protect Your Skin From UV Rays

Getting some sun is important for your health, but too much can damage the skin. Overexposure to UV rays causes sunburns, wrinkles and most types of skin cancer. If you want to get some sun, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF every day and reapply it frequently. In addition, avoid tanning beds and seek shade when possible. Examine your skin on a regular basis and see a dermatologist if you notice any new or changing moles.

Sunscreen and protective clothing are essential all year round, but especially during the summer. UV rays reach your skin even on cloudy days and reflect off surfaces like water, sand and snow. They are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. daylight savings time and are augmented by higher altitudes and stronger sunlight.

Wear a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses with UV protection and lightweight long-sleeved shirts and pants when you go outside. Tightly woven fabrics offer the best UV protection, and darker colors protect more than lighter ones. You can also purchase clothing certified to provide UV protection and look for a label with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF). UV rays are also more intense when it is hot or humid. You can find out the strength of UV rays in your area by checking the daily UV index.

Wear Protective Clothing

Personal protective equipment (PPE) refers to garments worn to safeguard against health hazards at work or in the event of a disaster or terrorist attack. This includes clothing like lab coats, face shields and ballistic vests. It also refers to protective suits worn to guard against chemical splashes, biological pathogens, molten metal exposures and thermal extremes.

The selection of protective clothing is based on the hazard, its potential for skin contact and its consequences ranging from dermatitis to poisoning and death. PPE should resist the hazard, be relatively comfortable and allow workers to execute manual tasks. Thermal protection is evaluated using Pennes’ bioheat transfer equation and the thermal wave model of bioheat transfer. Extent of skin burn injuries in clothing is predicted with Henriques’ burn integral.

Clean Your Skin Regularly

Your skin is your body’s largest organ and it protects you from germs and other potential hazards. As such, it is essential to keep it as healthy as possible. The key to this is regularly cleaning your skin with a routine that suits your skin type. Whether you have oily, dry or sensitive skin, there are many options available that will help you achieve a healthy glow without the use of harsh chemicals.

Having a solid routine that involves a morning and evening wash can help to keep your face clear of dead skin cells, dirt and oils that clog pores. A cleanser that is formulated for your skin type will work best and avoid over-drying or stripping your skin of natural oils. For example, if you have oily skin, a cleanser that contains zeolite may be a good option as it binds with impurities and gently lifts them away, while leaving the skin feeling clean and refreshed.

It is important to thoroughly rinse your face when you are done washing it. Doing so removes any residue from your cleanser and helps to prevent bacteria and other microorganisms from re-entering the skin through pores. Also, be sure to choose a clean towel that is free of bacteria and residue from fabric softeners. Finally, avoid reusing a washcloth or rubbing your face with a dirty one as this can transfer bacteria and oil back to the skin, which can cause breakouts and other issues.

See a Dermatologist

The skin is the largest organ in the body and reflects overall health. While it is a great protective barrier, the skin can be prone to infection and disease, as well as show signs of ageing. That is why it is important to see a dermatologist regularly for a checkup. They can provide medical, cosmetic and surgical care for the skin, hair and nails. They can also help with the prevention of diseases such as psoriasis and skin cancer.

Seeing a dermatologist is especially important for people who experience itchy or scaly skin. These symptoms could indicate a condition such as eczema or psoriasis, which may require medication and/or steroid creams to treat. A specialist will be able to determine whether or not the itching is caused by an allergic reaction or a specific disease and offer the correct treatment.

It is also recommended to get in touch with a dermatologist if there are any changes in a mole or other lesion, as these can often be signs of skin cancer. A biopsy can confirm the diagnosis and ensure that any potential cancer is treated before it spreads.

Before your appointment, it is a good idea to keep a symptom diary and bring this with you. It is helpful to write down any details of your symptoms, including the date and time they started, how long they lasted, severity and triggers. It is also helpful to bring a list of your medications and supplements, as this can help the dermatologist make an accurate diagnosis.