Driving Manners

Driving manners refer to the general courtesy rules that communities expect drivers to follow. They date back to the days when people rode horse-drawn carriages. If you want to be on the road with everyone else, drive slowly and politely. Here are some ways to demonstrate good driving manners:


Be polite to other drivers

Being polite to other drivers while driving has many benefits. Not only does it reduce the risk of road rage, it also makes roadways safer. Here are some tips to make driving easier for others. Be predictable. If you have to turn left in a straight line, give the right of way to the other driver. You should stop behind the pedestrian line when turning right, but don’t speed up. Always yield to pedestrians.

Avoid high beams

When it comes to driving, you should always avoid using high beams when you are close to other vehicles. This will not only negatively impact your vision, but can also make driving in bad weather a riskier proposition. Instead, make use of low beams, sometimes referred to as fog lights. These lights shine downward and help you see lines on the road and objects directly in front of you. Using low beams will protect other drivers.

Be patient in a crowded parking lot

GEICO urges drivers to be patient in crowded parking lots and drive at a steady speed. It’s important to remember that cars can pull out of a spot at any moment, and pedestrians may try to cross the parking lot as well. By giving yourself plenty of time, you can stay calm and controlled – and you’ll have better control of your emotions and decisions. Listed below are some tips to help you be patient in crowded parking lots.

Avoid rubbernecking

When driving, it’s important to avoid rubbernecking as much as possible. Not only is it dangerous, but it can also cause further traffic jams. If you’re watching a wreck, your eyes aren’t on the road, and you’re not aware of the impact of your behavior. It’s also very important to turn on your blinkers to warn other cars behind you. This way, you’ll avoid causing an accident.

Avoid speeding

Speeding is a common driving mistake and should be avoided whenever possible. It is dangerous and wastes gas, and is a major cause of accidents. Speeding may be due to several factors, including not paying attention to the speed limit or stress. Also, it may be a sign of overconfidence or an underestimation of your driving skills. While speeding is a serious offense, there are steps you can take to minimize the impact it has on other drivers and the environment.

Make way for emergency vehicles

If you’re behind an emergency vehicle, you should yield the right-of-way. Remember that there are often several emergency vehicles on the roadway. Be sure to keep your foot on the brake, move back at least 500 feet from the roadway, and obey the emergency vehicle’s instructions. If possible, you should wait until the emergency vehicle has passed through. In some cases, the emergency vehicle may be directed to stop, but you should never outrun it.